...is where this little rocker came from. It's old and worn and wears the battle scars from a budding carpenter who once applied the teeth of a saw to one of the arms.
We lived in Georgia for ten years when my husband taught at Georgia State University.
One of the things that we loved to do back then, was to go to craft fairs in little out of the way places.
Way up in north Georgia was one of my favorite places...Plum Nelly. According to what I heard, this tiny hamlet was so named because it was "Plum outta Tennessee and nelly outta Georgia."
We bought this rocker for our youngest son. I found a beautiful handwoven egg basket which I still have. It holds some of my yarn and a project or two. Both of these objects are so special to me. They contain the memories of two little boys who filled my life with joy....and at the same time, they are from an era that was one of my most painful, a time that was so difficult; and too, a time and a place where I grew so much and learned to appreciate "me". It was a hard time, but it was a good time for growing and learning. I am grateful for that. Isn't it amazing how small objects can contain such memories and gifts?
Plum Nelly is not too far from Rising Fawn, another name that I absolutely adore. Plum Nelly and Rising Fawn are also close to Gass.
Well, that does put a damper on poetic names of tiny places, doesn't it?
I love those little town and community names. We were in crab orchard kentucky once and and I was determined that I would retire there. Lovely little names.
Plum Nelly...sounds like the name of one of my toys!
I live in a village called Milton-under-Wychwood, everyone thinks it is to do with witchy woods (which would be kinda nice and spooky) but 'Wych' is in fact an Anglo-Saxon name.
Hee hee! Yes, it does put a damper. What a sweet rocker :)
Plum Nelly is a wonderful name. I liked hearing the memories that it holds.
Great names for out of the way places!
Okay, here is the deal. YOU know how badly I want to make a comment about Gass......but because you are so dear to me and have been such a rock of support I shall behave myself. At least till next time;)
Hugs, Marylou ^-^
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