Apparently, a full set has been applied to this blog by my subconscious. While I've had lots to say, I seem to lack the energy and impetus at this time.
I am relieved to note that there is a "return spring" and it won't be long that these are in use.
The "hub" will keep me centered, the "lining" and "pads" will keep me comforted and the "shoes" will lead me back on the path. (I have no idea about the "stud". We'll leave it at that)
I have been crocheting; working on my granny squares. I've made about 35 and by my calculations, that's hardly enough to cover a cat. I've also been practicing with needle and thread to master hand quilting. That may have to come in another life. I am having difficultly using my thimble. I may just have to let that little beauty go, and instead, stab myself repeatedly in my efforts.
Last week we had really big winds and during the night, one of our oaks crashed. I was awakened by a blinding light and horrendous noise. I thought that we were in the midst of a thunder storm. The poor old tree, weakened by the wind and winter had fallen and hit the power pole. It splintered the pole, destroyed the transformer and took all of the power out.
I am fine without power. We can stay warm the way we always do with the wood stove. I can cook on it and I do have water stored for emergencies. I have candles always and a flashlight. I can pull out my little aluminum percolator for coffee, although grinding the beans was a challenge. An empty beer bottle rolled over the beans worked pretty well. I do balk at no showers and NO toilet flushing. Having a well does impede certain amenities.
I doubt that I will be gone for too long and I will continue to check on blogs that I love and to find more. It's just a break with the "brakes" and from what I read, it happens to all. For those who do visit me and leave comments, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You brighten my day, make me feel connected and inspire me. Thank you.
Best and hoping your spring is there in all her glory.