Friday, August 24, 2007

Kaleidoscope of K

...totally unrelated K stuff.
I have pictures of my new kitchen (well, it's a year old new) but I can't find them on my computer! So no pics to look at. I do love having cabinets that close, that look nice and that don't have 26 years of yuk on them. I appreciate an oven door that closes all of the way and actually opens fully so that I can get a casserole in and out of it. I like having a sink that hasn't rusted so much along the edges that it's rising up out of the counter. You can get that picture I'm sure!

K is for my first born, Kevin. There were times when I wasn't sure I would survive him. Perhaps I should have paid attention to the fact that he actually broke my tail bone during his entrance into this world. I should have taken that as an omen. He pretty much challenged every dang thing that came along. Well, he's all "growed" up and is a joy to be around. I am very lucky to see him almost every week day as he works in the nursery. He's funny, he's good with people, he's a wonderful father and I just love being with him.

K is for cousin Clodagh. When my grandfather left Ireland in the late 1800's, he brought part of his family to Hawaii. His sister Lily married the Rev. Kitcat and they went to New Zealand. I vaguely remember Auntie Lily. I do remember Clodagh because as a wee girl I just thought her name was hysterically funny. I was also fascinated by her because my Uncle Angus used to refer to her as "the eyebrow raiser" (he also called another relative "flannel brain"). Anyway, Clodagh would come now and then to visit us in Hawaii. I would perch on the edge of my chair and be mesmerised by those active eyebrows. They were like fuzzy woolly bear caterpillars which moved across her forehead with every word she uttered. Alas, I am sure that the Kitcats of New Zealand are no more. I am sure that Clodagh died 40 years or so ago and I know she never married. Here's to you Clodagh Kitcat. You were something else!


Sarah said...

Ellen, thanks so much for your concern. I've had some flooding, but no where near what Ohio is experiencing right now. We are on the third day without power however, which is proving to be a trial all its own.

Monica said...

Hi Ellen,
I'm catching up on your latest posts, and I'm laughing histerically!
I'm also an idiot in math related things, I'm just too lazy 'to do the math'. And sometimes I also wish I could put some ground glass in my husband's coffee (he's a great person, but we're so different sometimes. And your cousin Clodagh, what a funny name!
So good to visit you!!

marylou said...

Hiya E,
I am with ya on the math dealy.... EXCEPT when I go shopping and the perfect dress OR shoes OR purse OR you get the picture is on sale, I can figure out right on the spot exactly how much I will save!! Therefore I MUST purchase the item:) DH says I have a knack that way but don't ask me to balance the checkbook:-)I may be a post behind here, sorry about that. Must have shopping on my mind:-)
Hug Life,

maggiegracecreates said...

I dont' share the math thing with you. Usually can figure things out easily. However - I have problems with not tripping over my own feet - which I would trade for math stumbling anytime.

thanks for coming by Maggiegrace world.
