No, no! Not those kind of F's. These kind...Family, Food and Flowers.
Last night our oldest grandson spent the night with us and we had his most requested meal: Boney chicken, edamame beans, corn, mashed potatoes, gravy, green salad, strawberries and blueberries. He also requested biscuits, but I drew the line at those. For those of you unfamiliar with boney chicken, it's simply "normal" roasted chicken. When he was quite a bit smaller he'd only had boneless chicken breasts. The first time I made chicken for him he wanted to know how I got the bones in there...hence the boney chicken. It's a standard now! All was yummy, we had an early bedtime after reading some of Paddle to the Sea. It was a lovely evening. Hope yours was too.
Boney chicken?? That is TOO cute! Must be a treat to have grandchildren. My mom used to say it was WONDERFUL!! She said with a grandchild you could play with them, fill them with candy and soda pop, and when they got too wired send them home to their parents:-)Looking forward to my turn!! Happy you enjoyed your little fella...and a bedtime story...awwwwww...E, you are making me SMILE BIG HERE:) Have a great day.
Hugs, Marylou
Thanks Ellen for the update on the squirrels. I have reported my own theories on my blog:-) Ya know, you and I could certainly consider the CIA or FBI as a post retirement side job...we could gather up all sorts of wildlife and start our own defense department. We could probably do a better job than the boys in DC are doing now:) Hey, raccoons are already in disguise so we could start with them...maybe call us the JFA..Jobs for Animals:-) I know, I tend to get carried away. It's the A.D.D......hey look, there goes a squirrel. I better go make sure he is not a SPY!!!
Love ya, Marylou
I love edamame, it is the one thing my daughter will eat when we go out for sushi..so needless to say we don't go out for sushi much, unless I bring along a PB&J in my purse :) Glad you had fun with your grandson, he is lucky to have such a cool grandma!
I've enjoyed your blog as well....hope you will visit again soon.
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