Say farewell to Miss Mousie for a short while. She's off to perform in the famous opera, Die Fledermouse by Johann Strauss. You may not be aware that she is a girl of many talents. As well as being an accomplished stitcher and bowler, she has had quite a career in opera. She truly is an accomplished Diva and I hate to add, a very petulant and demanding one at that. Miss Mousie has had her panties in a twist for days over this latest engagement. She hates to leave home, that's part of it, but if truth be told, it's really because she has to give up her bowling shoes. They simply refuse to let her wear them during her performances. It's been an uphill battle! She is off, despite dramatic protestations, and won't return until early fall.
I am not privy to her exact schedule, but I know that she and "company" will be performing in Milan, Mannheim, Moscow, Melbourne, Manila, Miami and Milwaukee. Apparently they are hitting all of the M's this season.
I did receive a brief call from her this morning. She was taking a short break from a long and frustrating rehearsal of the scene in which she is required to swoon. In this part of Die Fledermouse, Alfred sings to her and as he hits a high A, her character, Rosalinde, melts upon hearing this. The problem for Miss Mousie as Rosalinde, is not that she can't perform this "melt", it's that she melts too soon. Miss M. declared in a disgusted whisper on the phone, "It's his breath! He eats too much Limburger Cheese, his teeth are yellow and he sweats! He would stop a wharf rat in its tracks!" Oh, my.
Well, I am off to restock the larder with peas. Miss M. will have a month or so of rest in the fall when she returns.....just long enough to recoup and get ready for the winter rehearsals of the Mice Capades.
"I only hope that we don't lose sight of one thing - that it was all started by a mouse."
Walt Disney
Oh Ellen,
I will miss your sweet little friend so much but I can relate to the "Diva" in her:-) I do hope upon her return she will share with us her ventures of life & love as I just know she is filled with "wisdom" and "humor". Take care Miss M and don't forget to "Hug Life":)
Peace, Marylou
That's right, you are the little barefooted girl from Hawaii. How amazing to have grown up there!...Bye Miss M, break a leg :)
We'll miss you. Bye Miss M. Have fun in your travels!
Your art is so pretty. It would make very cute redwork quilt blocks.
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