Tuesday, July 17, 2007


I am going to use these colors that are just outside my back door as inspiration for sewing a little something...that is as soon as I can beat a path to my sewing machine. I hope that this miracle will occur in the next 48 hours! It will take nothing short of a miracle at this point.
I'm realizing more and more that I need to find a better system for storing "stuff". I am not sure what that is going to entail, but I do know that if I have to shift lots of boxes around to get to what I want, it creates more of a mess and is very discouraging. I'd love to have a bigger area to work in, but that is not going to happen. I do have a small bedroom and that's more than I had before my children flew the coop. I do appreciate that even this small space is a luxury. I need Mission Organization on hand!
I love the colors of the flowers and like the bit of blueishness of the hose thrown into the mix.

edited: one of my flower shots refuses to be downloaded...they are zinnias in bright pinks and oranges.


marylou said...

“I won't belong to any organization that would have me as a member”
Groucho Marx quotes (American Comedian, Actor
Okay Ellen, this quote is my idea of "organization":) You and I have so much in common, hah..love it:) I too have a sewing machine.....somewhere:) Let me know what you end up creating, I know it will be lovely!! Oh, and...I so want a hose like yours:)
Hug Life,
Peace, Marylou

marylou said...

p.s. Okay now E, I KNOW that hose is a designer hose cause I know quality and chicness when I see it:) Confess, where did ya nab her...Saks, Neimans, Bloomies??? Share with us girl!!! Oh, and btw...ya better set a timer for your pasta. As a CA girl with Italian heritage knows ya want your pasta al dente:-)
Love ya...(((((hugs))))) Marylou

Amy said...

Can't wait to see your sewing project, these are wonderful colors!