Friday, July 6, 2012

Magic Beans...

Let me tell you Jack,
you have nothing on me.
Yesterday I was given
Magical Beans,
beans I have eaten all of my life,
but never seen them in their glory.
Little jewels encased in pods of goodness
with such promise...
lying in their cradles.
It was YUM at first bite.
Hot skillet with olive oil,
a little sea salt..
and I was in Heaven.

I was very rude..
shoved them in my mouth
without skinning them. 
Threw the skins on the plate,
licked my lips and went for more.
Nearly yelled, "YUM".
Oh, give thanks to the fresh Garbanzo Bean.
What a wonder to see and taste,
something I have never done before.
I may dream of fresh G. Beans tonight.
Who knows.
I may dream of climbing up that giant
Garbanzo Bean trellis,
into the night,
smelling the stars,
and holding on to the beauty that is there.
Love to all, and thank you everyone
who visits here.
It means more than I can say.
best, e.

1 comment:

Mrs. Micawber said...

Well, this sounds delicious! I've never seen fresh garbanzos before, though I've got a goodly supply of the dried wrinkly kind.

I love your phrase "smelling the stars".