Friday, August 26, 2011

Preserving, Putting By...

...Natures bounty.
I am blessed each year
with the beauty that Mother Nature provides.
Because we have thousands
of beautiful Japanese Maples in our nursery,
I am gifted with abandoned nests.
These are brought in to me
posthaste, when the weeks, even months 
of pruning ensue.
Here is my recipe for preserving such beauty.
Start with a clean jar.
Lay out your materials...
Some other nests may need a little pruning.
Add some weeds, moss and dried leaves.
Place them in your jar.
Fingers crossed that you like the arrangement
because, once you get them in,
you probably won't be able
to get them out.
Such is the case here.
I would have liked to have one nest
higher than the other.
Alas and alack. No such luck.
Here is the final picture.
It went to a dear friend today.
 We have many loves in common.
Nests, oak leaves, acorns..
acorns forever.
Wishing I knew how to photograph glass.
This is a dark house and no matter
where I took the jar,
there was light reflecting on that glass.
Hoping all of you are safe from this frightening weather.
best to all, e.  


J & B said...

Reflecting is what you excel at Ellen so enjoy it on the glass!

Leigh @ Toasted said...

Wow - this is such a beautiful idea. It's gorgeous.

Babs, Jo, John said...

I really love this time of year, and your piece makes me
feel good.
Question I planted a yellow gourd and it has grown very large with an abundance of fruit! I could set up a stand
and sell them, can you set them as well as have them for decoration?? Babs

Ginnie said...

How beautiful and unusual! Really lovely. I've never seen anything like it.