Here we are, the three of us...years and years ago.
My sister: who can still play almost any musical instrument she comes across...
who spent hours with me when I played with my doll house..
who held my hand when we walked to the movies.
My brother: who is one of the funniest, quickest people I know...
who called me PeeWee to annoy me...(he still does)
who used to tell me, "Heads I win, tails you lose."*
The two of them convinced me that there was a ghost in our attic. I knew with certainty that I was that ghost's main target. I still remember my dreams about him. One in particular that even then had a theme...a name. It was The Red Shoes nightmare. The ghost came and got me out of bed. He threw me over his shoulder and carried me up to the attic where my entire kindergarten class was assembled. We were all commanded to dance, to dance until we fell senseless and exhausted to the floor. I don't remember how long it took me to truly understand that there really was no ghost. He was certainly fodder for some bizarre dreams!
I still have that chair that I was sitting on for our picture. It was my grandmother's and the fabric covering the seat is worn, torn and faded. I just can't bring myself to recover it!
*It took me years to figure that one out. Not too swift here!