Thursday, May 3, 2007

Nesting and Not Nesting

It's been an amazing Spring around here. We've had almost Summer weather and then in the last few days it's been blustery, very rainy and just downright stormy. Our bird population has just exploded. So many different birds are visiting, eating, finding mates and nesting. Just outside our patio door in a big seedling maple a pair of robins has built a nest. I am so excited! We've never, to my knowledge, had a nest this close to the house. I think they spent about two days building, shaping and tidying that nest, and now one or the other is sitting on it. The little gold finches, which I adore, are so busy consuming thistle seed. Song sparrows are out there too. Our quail have been been voraciously eating seed that falls to the ground and cleaning up seed from a big patch of weeds in back. I just love watching them. They remind me of drab, but energetic little old ladies with their bobbing topknots.
I got to thinking about how we humans tend to do our "nesting" in the winter and then when Spring comes along, we long to "un-nest" and make a break for the great outdoors, while the birds are so busy feathering their nests. Such contrast.
I hope that you are able to be out and about in some lovely weather this weekend.
a short p.s I've been trying to thank bwilliams on her blog...left a comment 4 times and it's not going through. If you read this, know that I send thanks!

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