Tuesday, January 10, 2012

She Takes Too Many Pictures

of the sky.
And, she is presently very
irritated with the order of her pictures.
Nonetheless, here's to a good week,
one and all.


jackie said...

the twilight gloaming...

Gretel said...

But they are very beautiful pictures, so 'too many' does not come into it!

Susan T said...

You can never have too many pictures of beautiful skies. A good week to you too.

Mrs. Micawber said...

No she doesn't. (And if she does there is a blogger in Wisconsin who is equally skystruck, equally guilty.) Who can resist the dark lace of branches against rose and violet and apricot skies?

Lovely photos. Although the arrangement looks good to me, I hope you find one that satisfies you.

Ginnie said...

She does NOT take too many pictures of the sky! Don't anyone stop her!

Mona said...

Oh, no, never too many!! I was just thinking, this afternoon when the sun prepared to go to bed - that those colours on the sky is what makes me stand this winter (and all other winters). The contrast between all the grey and black dullness down here - and all those warm glowing sweet colours up there. It's so lovely and invigorating that I want to bottle and drink it.
I'm so looking forward to see what's in the mailbox!!!

Ellen said...

So what if the order is out? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, yes? Beautiful. God's brushstrokes of color. Have a good weekend.

Colleen said...

... enchanting ....