Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Wonder That Is November

It's almost as if Someone were
wrapping up all of the splendor
that belongs to Autumn
in preparation for the coming of Winter.
Who would do it with more
beauty and artistry than that Someone?
It is an absolutely perfect day here.
I hope to get out and about again
to capture more Wonders of November.
May this month bring you beauty
and blessings.
Best to all, e.


jackie said...

oh! these silken, bejeweled wwbs make me swoon!

Mona said...

Some of those webs looks as if their maker was more captivated by the idea of beauty than hunting :)

Ginnie said...

Beautiful! What's the one with the purple buds?
Sunday we watched Charlotte's Web. Are you sure there weren't some words spelled into those webs?

Ellen said...

These are beautiful - like little sparkly diamonds on a silver necklace. What is that dark purplish plant?