Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Run With Your Scissors....

...find your old calendar that you have loved...
....make fat hearts, long and skinny hearts...cut them in half, limiting yourself ONLY to those heart shapes.....,no see what you can create...
...sacrifice some of your beloved artists; Gainsborough, Bonnard, Winslow Homer, Klimt, Vermeer, Rodin, Monet, Blake, Bruegel, Hassam, Cezanne,Botticelli, Goya..on and on...
..keep trying...
..and realize how much fun this was and how exciting to try it again without the so restrictive constraints of half of a heart.



Anonymous said... so beautiful, Ellen!
Do you have another projects like that, please, upload again. I'd love to see it! Beautiful..

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful! And I love your sense of humor. Nice title, especially.

heather jane said...

Oh My Goodness. This is so awesome!! Thank you for the inspiration.

nanny said...

Auntie E, those are so cute.

jacquie said... you're going to come exhibit with me...these are wonderful!!!

Anonymous said...

Half hearted art - you are a clever woman! I love what you've done!

weebug said...

I love this~just can't decide which version I like best!

Anonymous said...

Holy Cow! Shut my mouth! Those are the coolest little collages I have ever seen. Seriously awesome Ellen!