So lovely
warming up the spines
Dorothy passes a note
from Coleridge
to William
Roxane whispers
to Cyrano,
"It's you, it's you"
Whitman begins
a song
of himself
Dumas sighs
"Mon Dieu"
to Hugo
Frost mends
a wall
Hughes loves the rain
I hear The Dream Deferred
Hughes loves the rain
I hear The Dream Deferred
Henry James
and Ellen
"Brevity, brevity,
dear Henry."
Books warm
and breathe
in the early
morning light
and the air
fills with the
magic of
so long ago
but still treasured
pages gently flutter
dust moves
and settles
motes airborne
in the early morning light.
best, e.
Oh Dear Ellen such beauty and poetry - it makes my heart sing. Books are one of my greatest joys. Your photography is wonderful. Much love from here, on this a sunny morning!!! in England. I am sitting typing facing a huge bookshelf - well three joined together really, one of 9 in our house, we need a library.
When we have exhausted family history we can start on books - what fun.
: ))
Wow! enough said. :)
Happy sigh. :)
You capture exactly what I feel about the shuttered lives and conversations in books on a shelf. Thank you for your kind words over at mine.
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