Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Fourth

We don't have sparklers.
We may not hear the boom
and the siss and the explosions
of celebrations.
The night sky here
will do what She always does...
quietly closing the curtains,
fold by fold,
window by window.
She will pull her shades down
and tuck the birds in.
Wind will quiet down, 
a mummer of today's memory, 
dew will settle like jewels.

Little explosions of light here,
gifts each day.
Even though these are quiet
and unassuming,
they shout out to me.
This is a grand place to be.
It is a good life to live if I look 
and pay attention.
There are such surprises everyday.
Packages of love wrapped up
in moss and mess.
It's a blessing.
Wishing everyone good packages,
love and hope.

best, e.


Mrs. Micawber said...

This is lovely, Ellen.

No fireworks for us tonight either - the village called them off. Instead we have a great orange moon slowly rising in the east, and the sleepy quacks of ducks on the pond down the street.

Happy 4th to you too.

Babs, Jo, John said...

So beautiful to see these photographs first thing
this morning between Mother nature and you
with your trusty camera it has made my day! thank you.B

Susan T said...

Wonderful photos, the dew is indeed like tiny diamonds catching the early morning light. Bad day here at little rock, you have eased a grumpy heart.

Grammy Braxton said...

Your blog always leaves me with a calmness. The photos were lovely as always. Happy 4th to you and happy every day.

Dina said...

Ellen, hello. I wanted to make a quick visit to your place here and I'm afraid I'll be sticking around. What a beautiful and lovely blog you have! What a gift you have in word and art. I'm so glad you stopped by my place.

Annie Cholewa said...

You are a poet of the very best kind, you capture and transport us with your words and your pictures. Reading this I was so literally 'in' a mossy dew-bejewelled place