Sunday, August 9, 2015

The hurrier I go..

...the behinder I get.
There are days that I become so engrossed in what I am doing, what is happening around me, and what needs to be done, that I truly forget that there is this poor little space that could certainly use some love and attention. It has been an exceptionally busy summer, but others manage with the busyness and still manage to keep their blogs alive and well. I seem to lack that gene. I'll skip listing my excuses and share some photos taken since I last posted.

I harvested some lavender. It has dried beautifully, the scent is divine and I hope to make some sachets soon.

We picked just shy of thirty pounds of blueberries in less that thirty minutes. The field is just across our bridge and within walking distance. They are beautiful and all tucked up in the freezer to savor throughout the coming months. Yesterday I did make a cobbler with a yummy crumble on top. Delish!

These grow wild down by the same bridge and are egg yolk plums.
They are wonderfully juicy and when the sun hits them just right, they positively glow and do look so like an egg yolk. We gobbled them up in a few days.

Some goodness from the garden, which in all honesty has been just so poor this year. We have raised beds that are falling apart and grass has sprouted up in a twinkling of an eye and it is hard now to navigate between the beds. It does need a complete makeover before next spring and I am hoping that in time improvements will happen. Fingers crossed.

We have had no rain in so long. Spring here was unusually dry as well. It has been so hot for so many days...sometimes above 100 degrees. We do have the luxury of no humidity and a cooling off every night. It is not unheard of to have a 40 degree difference between late afternoon and the morning temps the following day.
I wear a flannel shirt or sweatshirt every a.m. until noonish. I can't complain about that.
Still struggling with the shoulder issues, though there has been such an improvement. Right now my other shoulder is crying uncle, probably because it's just worn out from carrying such a load. Physical therapy continues and it has been a godsend.
I hope all of you who come here are well and enjoying the best of summers. As always, I do love to hear from you and feel so privileged that you visit.
Love to all, Ellen. 


Ginnie said...

You live in paradise !! Thanks for sharing it with us.

J & B said...

hi there, the Summer is showing off your bounty,I love lavender and John will be right over to get some of those blueberries,
those plums look delicious,so yummy. You must have been busy, now it must be time for making jam and pies!
Hope your shoulder didn't get overworked! We have rain today but the Summer has given us some good days
peaches and strawberries are our main dessert right now yummy. don't work to hard! best love Babs and John.

Grammy Braxton said...

My dear, dear friend. You have been busy this summer. Those blueberries look luscious. I'm glad your shoulder is improving and yes, the other is hurting because of the extra work it has had to do. Unfortunately, I'm very familiar with that scenario. Thank you so much for your emails and your comments on my blog. You mean so very much to me. I hope you know that.

robyn L. said...

Beautiful photos. I love that lavender!

driftwood said...

oh those blueberries. yum yum yum xxx