What a trip it's been, but I am so thankful for modern day surgery.
It has been rainy and stormy here...we lost all power the other day which is really not a big thing as I can cook on the woodstove and we do have kerosene lanterns, but we do not have water without electricity to run the pump from our well. No water is a bummer.
Usually I am prepared and have pots filled so that we can have water to cook with, brush our pearly-whites with and do a bit of clean up, but for some reason I neglected to do that task and I was bent out of shape over my neglectful ways.
I did take some photos before the gales began. These were taken in one of our greenhouses as it was raining. I have no idea if they are rubbish or will pass muster because of the above mentioned eye/focusing problems I have. The last two are of some wild turkeys who came to call. I wish you could see the expressions on the faces of my chickens when these birds stroll by. It's hilarious.
They are spectacularly glorious.
Many thanks for your good wishes. I do appreciate them so much.
I hope all of you are having a wonderful week.
With affection, Ellen.
Wow, Ellen, not rubbish at ALL! That dogwood seedpod is amazing. And what a place of varied beauty your greenhouse is.
I like wild turkeys - they're so much leaner and handsomer (is that a word?) than the domestic variety. Also they look very dignified in a pop-eyed sort of way.
Hooray for new glasses! Oh the things you'll see....
Great photos. Love the turkeys. We have some around here once in a while. One year they were crossing our yard and Sam, our dog at the time, came charging around the house toward them and came to a screeching halt. She had the funniest expression on her face. She decided those birds were a bit too big for her to chase! LOL Glad you are doing better. You will definitely enjoy the new glasses.
Hugs, Sharon
glad your eye is recovering well, that seedpod is amazing. gosh wild turkeys, we get pheasants in the garden sometimes, but they are tiny in comparison x
Wow love the colours you have given us in your
photography,Like John Waitng for new specs
but,enjoying the better vision it must be relief
to see nature again with full colours
Those turkeys look well fed, we have some in
our area which was a shock first time I have
ever seen them in the wild amazing creatures.
so here's to new spectacles and a good
Thanks giving to look forward too,with water
hopefully. Schomberg 4 degrees today pretty cool
and there might be snow by weekend !!
so glad you are back among us. love the turkey pictures too.
much love many prayers
Hi Ellen, well I think your eyes are fine, the pictures are great! I love the colors of the leaves and that first one, the dogwood seedpod, I have never seen one, I like the color and shape. I have also never seen wild turkeys, they are slender fellows aren't they. Almost remind of the pheasants we get in the field behind us, but the turkeys are most likely bigger. Have a good weekend! :)
Hello darling! How did I miss this?! Hope you are on the mend! Glorious photos., thinking of you..hugs
Your photos are incredible, and you are doing all this without good glasses? Wow, I think I might have to get my eyes checked. We have some wild turkeys around here too. They come out every once in a while, they make me giggle.
Hugs to you,
Beautiful photos!
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