What a trip it's been, but I am so thankful for modern day surgery.
It has been rainy and stormy here...we lost all power the other day which is really not a big thing as I can cook on the woodstove and we do have kerosene lanterns, but we do not have water without electricity to run the pump from our well. No water is a bummer.
Usually I am prepared and have pots filled so that we can have water to cook with, brush our pearly-whites with and do a bit of clean up, but for some reason I neglected to do that task and I was bent out of shape over my neglectful ways.
I did take some photos before the gales began. These were taken in one of our greenhouses as it was raining. I have no idea if they are rubbish or will pass muster because of the above mentioned eye/focusing problems I have. The last two are of some wild turkeys who came to call. I wish you could see the expressions on the faces of my chickens when these birds stroll by. It's hilarious.
They are spectacularly glorious.
Many thanks for your good wishes. I do appreciate them so much.
I hope all of you are having a wonderful week.
With affection, Ellen.