Friday, November 18, 2011

Gloomish Soup of Rain, Cold and Pewter Skies

Thank goodness for yellows,
Crayola leaves,
and wild turkeys.
Happy weekend...and best to all, e.


jackie said...

you and your camera - amazing! especially love the wheelbarrow shot. which actually reminds me i need to go dump our wheelbarrow which someone left on the front sidewalk full of leaves and water -for a couple of weeks now...and if i don't tend to it soon it will rust out.

Ginnie said...

Love the turkeys and your pictures are great.

driftwood said...

oh I love that wheelbarrow photo x

Ginnie said...

From your other friend Ginnie...The blue rake shot is brilliant. All are gorgeous, of course, but that is such an unexpected hue in the scene.

Mona said...

Oh, so beautiful colours - and contrasts!! You are so lucky living there. I could actually use some of those leaves - to dye with :)