Friday, July 11, 2008

........"a sense of 'divine ordinariness'......."

I love this small book.
It has brought me hours of pleasure....
....many moments of quiet contemplation...., affirmation and gentle joy.

(click on images to read the too tiny words)



Crayons said...

Beautiful, Ellen. Contemplation gets lost in this rip-roaring, caffeine-driven, digital, cellular society of ours.

henny said...

Good book, Ellen. I like the words.
I think contemplation could balanced our life and make us appraise ordinary things better.

robyn L. said...

What a lovely book!

maggiegracecreates said...

I love these kinds of little books. These quotes are all very apropriate for me right now.

Nora said...

Ellen, I love that you have a scanner and share things with us! I love that one of the mommy feeding a child.

Mary Alice said...

Hey...I have a print of the baby in the red chair hanging right here in my office. I just love it.