Well, I have been wasting an inordinate amount of time chasing these creatures away from my bird feeder by taking on the persona of one of these figures. My outfit for the afternoon actually comes close to the fashions posted here.
I do not like thee Mr. Jay.
Please fly away to someone else's feeder.
Your porcine manners enrage me.
Your rude and aggressive ways give me a pain, and
Your loud, obnoxious voice grates on my ears.
You truly may be one of God's little creatures, but so are flies, maggots and viruses.
Forgive me, but I have little use for you.
p.s. I think this is my 100th post and although it's filled with drivel, I thank each of you who come to visit. Your stopping by means a lot to me. Thanks and.....
Your 100th post! Congratulations Ellen!!
I love reading your stories, I always leave with a smile when I visit you here!
Happy 100th post. Wow, time flies when we are having fun:) I never leave your blog without a HUGE grin on my face and a twinkle in my eye, or is that a tic?? No matter, I love to visit ^-^
Now, regarding the blue jays. I so agree with you. They come here and torment my kitties:( Then they fly next door and drive the poor dog insane. What is it with these guys? I think they are the "bullies" of the aviary world!! Arrrrgggggg!!!!! Again, Happy 100th and may you have 1000 more:-)
Loves ya, Marylou
Happy 100th! I am ready to read 100 more posts from you! Have a wonderful weekend, sometimes it is nice when the men go away :)
Wow, a milestone! Congratulations and keep up the good work for all of us to enjoy...
Oh is that a blue jay? I've read about them in books...we don't have them over here (we have jays, but they are not usually in gardens, and quite shy woodland birds, they are beigey pink with a small flash of blue) I know he must be a pest, but I think he is just beautiful!
Congrats on your centenary!
congrats on your 100th post, what a great milestone. i love that picture of the jay. they may be pests, but i have always loved that shade of blue.
Our blue jays don't look anything like yours at all! They have the same lack of manners however.
Ours, here in Nova Scotia Canada, are a sky blue colour.
janeyknitting AT yahoo DOT ca
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