Sunday, September 9, 2007

M is for Magazine and Making Things

American Home Crafts was and still is, my favorite craft magazine. It was published in the 70's and is filled with all kinds of wonder for the lover of all things handmade. There is nothing "cheesy" about any of the projects in these magazines. Projects include anything from embroidery, knitting, sewing, needlepoint, crochet, weaving, leather work, painting, rug hooking and carpentry. Why they never lasted very long is a mystery to me. If you have a mother, aunt or grandmother who crafted back in the 70's they may have copies hidden away somewhere. I would encourage you to run, not walk, to get your crafty mitts on some of would not be disappointed.

M for Making...I've been practicing and polishing my non-existent crocheting skills. These squared circles are my latest endeavors. I found some directions from Teresa at maggiegracecreates. (Thanks!) Since I normally can't crochet my way out of a paper bag, I'm pretty happy with the results.
Wishing everyone a great week.



Amy said...

I think you did crochet your way out of that bag, those squares look great!...glad that website helped :)

Marti said...

Thank you so very much for the lovely comment you made on my blog, I really appreciate it! We had a great day doin' nuthin' at all.

maggiegracecreates said...

These are fun - Love the colors. I like 9-1/2 having all of mine finished for the doll blanket. Can-I steal this image and send folks over here for a look?