Sunday, December 5, 2010

This Is A Thank You...

For  Two Anonymous People..thank you so much. It makes me happy to hear from you, and although I do not know your names, please accept my thanks. Please know that I think about you, even when I do not know who you are. I would love to know that you will read this. I send you thanks and wishes that you are doing well and that your life is filled with goodness and love. I will just find a picture if I can...and put it up in thanks. Truly, it is thanks..e.
Explanation for this silly photo..I made this little sun/moon thing. It did not work out for what I was  planning. So it hangs in my kitchen and I spin it at times. Let's see if I can bring these up and if they  bring a smile to your face. 


                                       Best to all, e.

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